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#SelfKare: Eat to Success aims to teach the community to eat in a way that fuels our minds and bodies to success while taking the focus off of weight and appearance. From businesswomen to students; from performers to girls on the go, we all deserve to eat healthy foods, love our bodies, and feel great while doing it! Through my cookbook, a college/university tour, and strategic partnerships, I am changing the way the world sees wellness while promoting and growing the Miss America Organization.

How it Began

Growing up, I struggled with my body image. I was constantly comparing myself to others. When I started playing volleyball I learned how important it is to fuel my body to feel and function at its best.

I realized that the food I ate directly translated into how I performed on the court and that how it made me look was not nearly as important. This mindset shift is missing in modern wellness education.

As North Carolina (and hopefully Miss America), I aim to change the dialogue around food and wellness by promoting positive wellness -- a mindset that empowers us to make healthy choices, to better ourselves, and appreciate our bodies for what they do today.


The Book

As a recent graduate, I know how difficult it can be to eat healthy on a college campus. As a student, I came up with several recipes that I could make in my dorm with only a microwave and a small blender. Now, I am sharing those recipes with you through my cookbook The Self Kare Kitchen: Dorm Meals for the Healthy College Student.


Social Impact Pillars

Nutrition and Wellness

What we eat impacts every aspect of our life. The CDC says that healthy students perform better in all facets of their education. Healthy habits allow us to have more energy and greater sleep quality. However, 25% of Americans eat fast food each day and most adolescents do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. In order to feel and be our best, we must fix this!

Body Image and Positivity

Due to our society’s diet culture, over 90% of men and women are unhappy with their bodies at some point in their lifetime. Many turn to unhealthy and unsustainable dieting methods rather than implementing true, lifelong change. Sadly, these struggles can begin as young as three to five years old. Using positive wellness I am able to talk about nutrition in a safe and empowering way.

Making a Change

While education is important, we must take steps to create a healthier, more body-positive future for ourselves and the next generations. Creating action plans and intrinsic motivation are the keys to creating sustainable, lifelong, and healthy changes. Through my cookbook and strategic partnerships, I am making changes in wellness education across the country every single day.


Free wellness content for you to enjoy in your classroom or home!